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The Monoposto build with the MADAS Team

a MADAS team photo

The MADAS Monoposto build project was about a combination of social engineering and comradery.
The Monoposto became road legal in New Zealand on Friday 13th December 2019.
Now the Monoposto and the MADAS team are on a mission to achieve as many smiles per mile as we can.

Mike driving the Monoposto
Mike and Dave having a brake
More smiles as Mike tests it out
Mike rests his leg as we ponder and pontificate what we need to do

New guards with Rob testing stearing lock and Dave
At the 2013 Constructors Car Club show
New guards are created from George's original moulds to suit the wider radial tyres
At the 2013 Constructors Car Club show

Paul welding the new front chassis
blending the nose to the VW front beam, 2017
Paul welding the new front chassis to be supported by the VW Beetle standard front beam
Working on blending the nose to the VW front beam, 2017

Team photo 2019-02-21
blending the nose to the VW front beam, 2017
Team photo - February 2019
Just tested out the new back springs - February 2019

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